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Ankle Brace with Speed Laces

(1 customer review)

Original price was: $59.99.Current price is: $39.99.

PREMIUM ANKLE BRACE – The Ankle Brace with Speed Laces offers superb ankle support proven and tested by physiotherapists, podiatrists and athletes.

THE PERFECT FIT – The fully-adjustable figure 8 straps and laces provide an innovative 360° design to fit your foot and ankle perfectly and with the exact pressure and support that you want and need.

STRONG SUPPORT & STABILITY – 2 stabilizers on the sides and 2 separate straps/laces offer effective stability and support to prevent and heal ankle sprains and ankle injuries.

WEAR IT WITH ANY SHOE – You can wear this ankle brace with any sort of shoes. From sneakers to tennis shoes. From flip-flops to dress shoes.

BREATHABLE & COMFORTABLE – Made from a breathable double layer, anti-skid material to keep the brace in place at all times. Perfect for all-day-wear.

UNISEX – The universal design fit both men and women. Just select your size depending on your shoe size from the size chart.

ankle brace with straps speed laces size chart

Adjustable Support For Your Ankles

Ankle injuries can sideline you for weeks, and even months. You don’t want to miss out on your favorite activities, but you also don’t want to risk further injury.

Ankle injuries are extremely common, and they can keep you from doing the things you love. In fact, ankle sprains are the most common injury in sports.

The Ankle Brace with Speed Laces is the perfect solution for athletes and active people of all ages. The brace provides adjustable support and fully adjustable laces to reduce pain, pressure and stress caused by ankle sprains, arthritis, tendonitis, bursitis, muscle fatigue or after injuries and surgery. The breathable double-layer fabric is anti-skid and comfortable, and the effective shock absorption and protection make this brace ideal for everyday wear. The hook and loop fasten design makes it easy to put on and take off.

Treat ankle sprains immediately

Ankle sprains happen when you roll, twist or turn your ankle in an awkward way. This can stretch or tear the ligaments — the tough bands of tissue that connect your bones to each other.

The most common location for an ankle sprain is on the outside of your ankle. That’s where the ligaments are weakest. People often refer to this type of sprain as “rolling” your ankle.

ankle sprain schematic graph illustration

Most ankle sprains occur during sports or recreational activities. But you don’t have to be playing a sport to injure your ankle. Walking or running on an uneven surface can cause a sprain. So can simply stepping off a curb wrong. Ankle sprains also can occur as a result of trips and falls.

If you have a mild ankle sprain, you may be able to walk on it and put weight on it immediately after injury without too much pain, although you’ll likely have some bruising and swelling around the joint. A moderate or severe sprain will cause more pain and make it difficult or impossible to put weight on your foot without pain because too much damage has been done to the ligaments for them to hold up under weight bearing. Moderate and severe sprains usually require at least some period of immobilization to heal properly.

Sprains can range from mild, moderate to severe, depending on the extent of damage to the ligaments. In general, the more ligament fibers that are torn, the worse the sprain. Most ankle sprains are mild or moderate. But even a relatively mild sprain can cause significant pain and swelling and may make it difficult to put weight on your foot. A moderate or severe sprain can cause much more pain, swelling and bruising, as well as joint instability.

ankle sprains demonstration

There are three grades of sprains:

Grade I: This is a mild sprain. The ligaments are stretched, but there are no partial or complete tears.

Grade II: This is a moderate sprain. Some of the ligament fibers are torn, but the ligament is not completely ruptured.

Grade III: This is a severe sprain. The ligament is completely torn, making the joint unstable.

If you have a mild ankle sprain, you can treat it at home with the RICE method:

Rest: Avoid activity that aggravates your pain.

Ice: Apply ice to the injured area for 20 minutes at a time, several times a day.

Compression: Use an elastic compression bandage or ankle brace to help reduce swelling. Be careful not to wrap it too tightly, as this can cause additional swelling.

Elevation: Raise the injured ankle above the level of your heart to help reduce swelling.

If you have a moderate or severe ankle sprain, you’ll likely need to see a doctor. He or she may recommend that you wear an ankle brace, splint or cast to immobilize your ankle and allow the ligaments to heal. In some cases, surgery may be necessary to repair a torn ligament.

After the initial period of immobilization, you’ll likely need to do physical therapy exercises to regain range of motion and strength in your ankle and leg. A physical therapist can teach you these exercises.

The Solution – The Ankle Brace With Speed Laces

Our new Ankle Brace with Speed Laces helps you heal from a mild, moderate or severe ankle sprain while still being able to live an active lifestyle. The brace provides adjustable support and fully adjustable laces to reduce pain, pressure and stress caused by ankle sprains, arthritis, tendonitis, bursitis, muscle fatigue or after injuries and surgery.

The breathable double-layer fabric is anti-skid and comfortable, and the effective shock absorption and protection make this brace ideal for everyday wear. The hook and loop fasten design makes it easy to put on and take off.

So don’t let an ankle sprain slow you down. Get our Ankle Brace with Speed Laces and get back to living your life the way you want to.

1 review for Ankle Brace with Speed Laces

  1. Darach
    Ankle brace
    Excellent product 👌 my son wears it playing rugby, it gives him great confidence, and removes the stress and pain. Thanks again Darach
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